The past month has been filled with planned and unplanned events and interruptions. Along with school ending and my new job starting we had an internment service and a wedding with people coming from different states and towns. It was a lot of work but having everyone in the same place at the same time was a big load off time wise. It turned out to be a beautiful day the predicted rain held off and the sun came out. The outdoor wedding was beautiful; got some perfect pictures and a great time was had by all.
The family gathered to intern my daughter’s remains in the family cemetery. It was a private affair with just the family; the children played and helped with the service. My daughter would have been very happy. The little ones were her life. She loved to watch them play. It was rough, she was too young to go but we know she is not in pain anymore and we can remember the good times we had together. I miss her weekly phone calls.”Just checking in” she would say. Then she would tell me the latest about the kids and grandkids. We didn’t talk much about her situation she only wanted to talk about the good things in her life.
I found out that hotel parking lots can be a problem especially if you are tired. I backed into a Jeep as I was pulling out of the space I was in. It was in my car’s blind spot and I rolled into it. No damage to the jeep but crushed the lens of my tail light. The jeep owner was very amiable and said not to worry about it there was no damage. I on the other hand had to replace the taillight as you couldn’t just replace the lens.
Had a doctor’s appointment in a different city and afterwards was directed to an exit that put me in a different parking lot; spent unneeded time looking for my car that was on the opposite side of the building. Had to go back to the office and get to the right exit in order to find my car. Very frustrating when you are on a tight schedule.
Then this week I tripped walking into a dark room and got my first ever black eye. Senior life is not for the faint of heart, I can’t do things as I used to, I am finding out the hard way that it is time to slow down. Epically if I want to stay accident free. I had to rearrange my whole week to accommodate clumsiness. I hope I have learned my lesson and next week will be better.
We never stop learning and growing in this life; getting older is part of that process. We have to pick ourselves up and get back on the right track. That sometimes involves slowing down and giving your body time to heal. I am finding that it is ok to spend the afternoon in the recliner chair, talking to my Lord, reading a book or watching something on the television.
He is always there waiting for you to visit with Him.
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